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Our Difference

I believe in taking a holistic approach to physiotherapy and therefore have longer appointment times than a standard physiotherapy practice to ensure a thorough assessment.


Initial appointments are one hour (unless you prefer a shorter appointment), which enables me to fully understand the issue and underlying cause, gain an understanding of your physical activity and discuss goals moving forward.


Treatment should be a collaboration between the therapist and patient. After your initial assessment, I will send you a personalised treatment plan. This will explain the diagnosis, what was done in the initial assessment to arrive at the diagnosis, what treatment will consist of, approximate recovery timeframe, and any exercises to do before the next appointment.


My philosophy to physiotherapy is threefold:

  • To help you restore health with relief from pain and or stiffness. This means treating you as a whole, and addressing the physical, mental and social barriers to recovery.

  • I then work to regain your movement and strength, through exercise therapy and hands-on treatment.

  • Finally, I aim for you to rediscover performance; whether this is in sport or simply with a better quality of life. 


Explore our services at ACE Physiotherapy to get started on your journey back to better health. 

ACE physio treatment

Restore health. Regain movement. Rediscover performance

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